"Our spirit is gifted everything it needs for this lifetime - a body, a space to occupy, and a mind. The quality of these gifts may vary though our responsibility to maintaining and improving them always remains of utmost importance."
"Our spirit is gifted everything it needs for this lifetime - a body, a space to occupy, and a mind. The quality of these gifts may vary though our responsibility to maintaining and improving them always remains of utmost importance."
"Elimination is required to accept and receive. As we empty ourselves we allow for new life, thought and expression to enter our lives.”
"We mustn't try to escape our pains and sufferings for they will cease when we forego our resistance to recognizing the lessons they bring us.”
"Other people can only assist and guide us towards a greater state of well-being. By stepping out of our own way we allow the body to use the wisdom it has gained over the many years of evolution to maintain life, even in the most arduous situations.
It is up to us to help ourselves by letting go of non-serving habits and ideas - then and only then can healing take place.”
"With each days uncertainties we're granted endless opportunities - however, it is easy to view the difficulties of the day as negative or something we do not want. When all seems to go wrong we must recognize it is a sign we're not flowing with our divine path.
Taking a moment to disengage the ego to understand the lesson behind the difficulty before resuming our journey is the best way to ensure we're serving the good for the sake of all.”
"I invite all of us to challenge our beliefs and invite the truth.
Contrary to popular culture there is never one definitive answer to any question, problem or situation - if we believe there is, we're participating in the egoic struggle for control and power that leads us further from the present and the ultimate truth.
Our inner and outer worlds are dependent on our levels of acceptance and non-acceptance. May we release our fears and embrace the moment, and rise together to higher levels of existence.”
"People only take advantage or have their way when we are not firm and confident in our self-expression. Strength and courage can be unlocked within when we practice love and acceptance for ourselves.”
"Some of the greatest changes in life (positive and negative) happen because of things we're not aware of. By having a greater awareness even the subtleties of life become obvious and we then make choices that yield the most desirable results for ourselves and others.”
"It is common to see people refusing to be held accountable for their actions - we see this whether the result is positive or negative and this is generally so due to wanting to deny being responsible for the latter.
People put blame on those they perceive to be the reason for their misfortune or lack of progress and give credit to those they belief have eliminated their state of disharmony. It is important to recognize in both instances it was our own devotion to positivity or negativity that generated the eventual outcome.
Our personal efforts weigh heavily on whether we move forward in life or not as it is those efforts that outweigh anyone else's temporary influences .”
"When we love and accept ourselves completely we cease looking outward for answers; we know our successes and failures are dependent on our inner state of being, not some outer force or someone else's doing.”
"Suffering exists when we fail to recognize the lesson pain was meant to deliver.”